Season's Greetings!
Happy Christmas dear readers! We are facing an early term end and all the excitement of our Carol Service on December 3rd. It’s been a peculiar Autumn term for our riders with the building works eating in to their time with us, but now the Centre boasts spacious accommodation, a new kitchen and a separate office for all that paperwork and data. Grateful thanks to Lyn Bensusan and Jan Derbyshire for putting in the hours over the plans; to Chapelstone Developments Ltd for carrying them out, and to our wonderful benefactor, David Tron, whose legacy made all this possible.
Now to the four legged workers: all the equines take it in turns to have health issues just like our riders, but those who get ordered to box rest resent the lack of activity. Bryn had an abscess back in November so precious time in the arena was not to be wasted!

Tilly and Alfie are pictured enjoying the sun on their backs beneath the Christmas decorations in the yard.

Finally, Indy is now incorporated into the team. She is pictured below with Milly on a Friday ride in late November. Indy instinctively knows how to be an RDA pony and seems very settled here. Her old roommate Ruby is delighted to be sharing a paddock with her again.

The two legged workers are having a long break over the Christmas period, save those that care for us lot of course. Thank you to all of the team that keeps us well and our fields in good nick. We couldn’t manage without you.

Bottoms Up! Ho ho ho!
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