Meet the Team

Our Hon President: Jan Derbyshire
Management Committee Members and *Trustees
Chairman: Debs Bennett*
Company Secretary: Wendy Toogood*
Treasurer: Sarah Rixon*
Stable Manager: Abi Sinclair
Safeguarding Officer and Riders’ Representative: Ruth Snowling*
Diane Godfrey*
Corinne Bundy*
Cherry Crawford*
Louise Reynolds*
Sarah Tyrell*
Other Roles
Health & Safety: Julia Shawe-Taylor
Riders applications: Sue Tanis
Membership Secretary: Mary Barlow
Volunteers’ communications: Maggie Raynor
Sponsor a Pony: Diane Godfrey
Fund raising Committee Chairman: Jan McKillop
Fund raising Committee Treasurer: Corinne Bundy
Tea With a Pony: Cherry Crawford
100 Club: Sarah Mitchell
Amanda Ainsworth
Patricia Bazley White
Fiona Cranston
Debs Bennett
Christine England
Jo Goodliffe
Clare Collins
Jan Derbyshire
Anne MacWillson
Jan McKillop
Sally Neilson
Margaret Nicholas
Sarah Tyrell